Welcome to the CR Assessment Bookstore. For our customers, we have combined all AFLS and ABLLS-R materials on one site.

Training & Workshops

  • Identify examples of B.F. Skinner’s verbal operants.
  • Describe how curricular variables affect the motivation of young children with autism.
  • How teaching a child to mand for reinforcers results in the development of several other important learner skills.
  • Identify methods for developing and maintaining the motivation of young children with autism.
  • Conduct an initial behavioral language assessment such as to determine the most appropriate initial language intervention for young children with autism.
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  • Identify how basic language skills can be taught to young children with autism within the context of on-going daily activities.
  • Identify examples of Skinner’s verbal operants that are included in the teaching procedures.
  • Describe several examples as to how parents can maintain the motivation of young children during the language instruction.
  • Identify how to sequence daily events such that the child’s participation in targeted language activities results in reinforcers that are typically delivered non-contingently.
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  • Identify critical teaching skills that must be demonstrated by teachers and instructional assistants in a language-based, ABA classroom.
  • Specify components of a classroom schedule that will allow for high frequency of learner responding to high-priority learning tasks.
  • Identify how to assess learner skills and construct an IEP to ensure the development of language and other important learner skills.
  • Identify methods for implementing behavioral language training strategies in a small group format.
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  • Identify the differences between functional and basic/conceptual skills
  • Identify 6 broad clusters of functional skills
  • Identify at least 66 specific skill repertoire areas of functional skills
  • Identify safety precautions that must be implemented when assessing a learner’s functional skills
  • Score the AFLS, complete the tracking grids for learners and update an existing assessment
  • Conduct a task analysis of functional and common daily activities
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  • Perform skills analyses to determine a child’s strengths and deficits.
  • Continually measure and monitor learning achievements using specially designed skill tracking grids.
  • Utilize assessment results for evaluating priorities, determining IEP objectives, and developing curricula.
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  • Identify research that is often cited to substantiate the need for intensive behavioral intervention for young children with autism
  • Describe the critical components of discrete trial instructional methodology
  • Describe the different types of expressive language skills that a student must acquire in order to successfully interact with others
  • Describe how curricular variables affect the motivation of young children with autism
  • Identify how motivational issues are related to the acquisition of language skills 
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  • Participants will be able to identify the basic behavioral principles used to analyze both appropriate and undesired behavior.
  • Participants will learn how to increase appropriate behavior by developing positive instructional control, and teaching alternative behaviors.
  • Participants will learn how to observe behavior to determine why a behavior is or isn’t occurring and its probable function(s).
  • Participants will learn how to structure situations so as to encourage desired behavior and avoid unwanted behavior.
  • Participants will learn how to use simple but effective data collection procedures.
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  • Participants will be able to identify deficiencies in a learner's receptive language skills that interfere with the child's ability to engage in conversations with peers and family members.
  • Participants will be able to identify deficiencies in a learner's manding, tacting, and intraverbal skills that interfere with the child's ability  to engage in conversations with peers and family members.
  • Participants will be able to state three strategies to help children with autism attend to the activities and interests of their peers such that they can engage in conversation about their peers.
  • Participants will be able to state three strategies to help children with autism attend to the activities and interests of their peers such that they can engage in conversation about their peers.
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  • Participants will be able to describe patterns of skill development of typically developing children as measured by the ABLLS-R
  • Participants will be able to identify how to implement mixed verbal behavior teaching sessions
  • Participants will be able to identify strategies for selecting "learner readiness" skills can be developed while teaching the child other specific skills
  • Participants will be able to describe how the skills sequences for each repertoire are arranged from simple tasks to more complex discriminations and sequences of responding
  • Participants will be able to identify specific skills within a particular repertoire that are necessary for the development of skills in other repertoires
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